Title: |
Filename: |
levels/doom/g-i/holymoly.zip |
Size: |
25.74 KB |
Date: |
07/19/94 |
Author: |
Description: |
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Build time: |
Editor(s) used: |
DEU 5.0 and BSP 1.0 (binary space partitioner) (Special thanks to the creators of both programs; Raphael Quinet and Colin Reed) |
Bugs: |
Rating: |
(3 votes)
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| Also included as E2M3 of "Darkhell" (id=9510), so this was presumably made by the author of that set of levels, a man called Greytale. | x | |
| This is dated June 1994. The level consists of a large undetailed circular arena drawn freehand (badly). You start in a central elevator, which surrounds a tall pillar. You flick a switch and descend into the arena, and then the pillar descends and you can step onto the exit teleport. It takes about 49 seconds to complete the level. There are 120 monsters in the arena but you can ignore them. It's basically a prehistoric NUTS.wad. Not great. | x |
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