Title: Jailbait
Filename: levels/doom/j-l/jailbait.zip
Size: 55.77 KB
Date: 07/20/94
Description: Jailbait is a rather large level in which you start out in jail and have to fight your way out. Because of many of the narrow ledges and surprise confrontations I think it probably a pretty challenging level (but great fun). Take heart, I have gotten through several times on the hardest level without dying (but I know where everything is). The medium level is the same minus the bulls (or centaurs).
Build time: Embarrassingly, I don't know how long this level took to make. I lost track at about 50 hours, when it was maybe halfway done. But this is my first level, and I was starting from scratch, and DEU does take a lot of getting used to.
Editor(s) used:
Bugs: As you will notice, there are a couple of minor errors in this level. Nothing that takes away from or interferes with the game, but being a perfectionist they still bug me. I either could not figure out how to get rid of the problem or it would have taken 5 frustrating more hours to fix it.
Rating: (6 votes)

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Sui Generis
This is a fairly fun, but modest '94 level. Being textured mostly in grey, it looks bland but avoids clashing texture choices. It starts out as a mixture of corridors & tunnels but has more interesting open areas with platforms, ledges and height variation. There are numerous simple secrets and fights are mostly low-level monsters in front of you. Lighting is not so great - it’s either all or nothing The highlight is the 'eye' at the end. For that I bump the score up to 4/5. Otherwise this is average.x
Very nice architecture; some really cool looking areas. Fun to explore. Some texture alignment and better lighting in places would bring this one up to 5 stars.x
Good adventure with large areas, long tunnels, tall lifts and some really nice views like that giant "eye" near the end. Had a good time playing it.x
This is actually a pretty fun 94' map. While it may be ugly, its non-linear, and kind of cool in an abstract way. There is a variety of hights, and some pretty good fights. x

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