Title: |
marx1_1.zip |
Filename: |
levels/doom/m-o/marx1_1.zip |
Size: |
9.99 KB |
Date: |
05/12/94 |
Author: |
Description: |
Credits: |
Base: |
Build time: |
Editor(s) used: |
Bugs: |
Rating: |
(6 votes)
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| Short and basic, the textures could have been used better and would have benefitted from being larger with more areas to shoot up and explore. This wad does not actually feel finished, like it was a beta or something like that, anyway what is here is not all that bad, but could have done with a lot of improvement. Also this does not come with a txt file, either it was never made or it has been subsequently lost. Only for the wad collectors I think, due to how basic this is I award it 1/5. | x | |
| It isn't conspiciously wrong, but it's extremely basic and not much fun. It has less play value and is less detailed and uglier than E1M1. | x | |
| Short, slightly ugly, and somewhat dull. Not a terrible level but not particularly great either. | x |