Title: Summit of Oblivion
Filename: levels/doom/m-o/mountain.zip
Size: 130 KB
Date: 07/27/94
Author: Eric Aamodt and Dave Crampton
Description: You find yourself in a hellish valley with a pulsating red sky..the only way to go is in. You find yourself in a computer control center that's infested with creatures that could only have come from Hell itself. You must fight your way to the summit of the mountain to survive and to get home. Good luck.
Credits: Joe Crampton AKA Blackhawk for level 9.
Base: New level from scratch
Build time:
Editor(s) used: DEU 5.1
Bugs: Occasional Wall of Mirror effects.
Rating: (10 votes)

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hardly worth the effort to play. Simple, short and unimaginative.x
So simple it borders on primitive. However, the layouts and texturing are not quite random, it's playable and the levels are too short to become boring. For E3M8 you need pre-Ultimate Doom compat for the Cyber's death to end the level. Use "-complevel 2" in Prb+, "-gameversion 1.9" in Choco or plain old DOOM2.EXE v1.9 (yes, DOOM*2*, it's the same exec as DOOM v1.9 registered).x
This is ugly as shit but has great gameplay.x
Awesome DOOM WAD! But, on E3M7, I beat the cyberdemon and two barons, but i can't escape. - **** Zackx

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