Title: nocheat.wad
Filename: levels/doom/m-o/nocheat.zip
Size: 7.07 KB
Date: 06/30/94
Author: Wayne Badcock
Description: This is my first PWAD. I dont know why I named it nocheat.wad. I would Like to have responess and your comments..this being my first PWAD. So please e-mail me and tell me what you think about it. Comments on lighting,monsters,weapons and bugs would be appreciated. Thank you and also this PWAD replaces level E2M1. This PWAD was built in DoomCad 4.3. There is hardly enough ammo for this PWAD, but you can do it with out the cheat codes.
Build time:
Editor(s) used: DoomCad 4.3
Bugs: None so far!
Rating: (5 votes)

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the lighting in this map is a good start, just out of place. try taking apart other maps and getting an idea of how to set up a good map. still needs a lot of work. remember, its not the size of your map that counts, it's quality. Im sure after you get the idea you can come out with some desent maps. jus dont give up. 1/5 -r_rrx
Let's see if I can do a review... Two cybers are behind the first door with a soulsphere, megasphere, inescapable ooze pit and hanging decorations that should have been commander keens. This level has a time to crate rating of 6 seconds. Other points of interest: two unused sidedefs, baron in cramped room, one bfg, imp in dark hall, several secret sectors, a tree, outdoor blinking sector, stairway that leads up from this sector looking like crap due to low sky ceiling. z34chrisx

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