Title: TUBS Doom - The Ultimate Byte Sized Doom
Filename: levels/doom/megawads/tubsdoom.zip
Size: 282.75 KB
Date: 06/29/22
Author: razor and agaures
Description: Inspired by Combinebobnt's SUPERFAST Speedmapping, TUBS Doom is a complete megawad of speedmaps for the Ultimate Doom where each map has 1 extra minute planning time and 1 extra minute mapping time than the last, starting with E1M1 which had 1 minute planning time and 1 minute mapping time (E1M2 had 2 minutes planning time and 2 minutes mapping time up until E4M9 which had 36 minutes of planning time and 36 minutes of mapping time). The only changes that could be made after the mapping time where inclusion of exits if there weren't any and fixing bugs that make the map impossible to beat. Each episode is roughly themed around the original Doom episodes and for some reason each episode is harder than the previous.

There are bugs, there are missing textures, there is ridiculously unfair difficulty, there is bad gameplay and there is good.
Base: New from scratch
Build time: 1332 minutes or 22.2 hours
Editor(s) used: SLADE, Ultimate Doom Builder (razor), Doom Builder 2 (agaures)
Bugs: The BFG in E2M9 is inaccessible if the keys are retrieved in certain combinations. There is also no red key (though this doesn't affect gameplay).

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