Title: The lost wad
Filename: levels/doom/p-r/pd-lost.zip
Size: 105.45 KB
Date: 08/24/01
Author: Pablo Dictter
Description: Sixth part of "The gates" series (I made a diferent style for this one.)
Credits: To id for doom.
Base: used "wad1" as a base, and made some new sectors.
Build time: 2 days
Editor(s) used: Wadauthor - Wintex
Bugs: None
Rating: (4 votes)

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Easy/boring gameplay in a flat map. I had fun exploring it at first but after some time it got tedious. Cool arcadey moments (jumping on crates to get the chaingun, running quickly to the first key).x
This is from December 2000. It's E4M9, although it feels more like an E2 level. The map starts out as a warehouse / cratemaze / industrial plant and then turns into one of those gothic libraries. The gameplay is pretty good, and it has a nice, clean, airy design. The crate section near the start irritated me, and the ending is a damp squib (I touched a door and BAM, the level was over), and it's not at all hard, but overall I was pleased with it.x
"Map E1M1 & E1M9"... No, it's not! x

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