Filename: levels/doom/p-r/pe1_tox.zip
Size: 81.17 KB
Date: 06/15/99
Author: Paul Corfiatis
Description: Toxin refinery, replaces the original E1M3: Toxin refinery with a brand new level and crazy secret level. Both the levels use the classical base style which was used in the original Doom. I'm talking Episode 1 style. This level uses extended linedef types such as Blazing Doors and requires Doom v1.666 or better to run properly. It will crash or cock up older Doom Versions such as v1.2, v1.4 etc. It will also not run using the shareware version.
Base: style which was used in the original Doom. I'm talking Episode 1 style. This level uses extended linedef types such as Blazing Doors and requires Doom v1.666 or better to run properly. It will crash or cock up older Doom Versions such as v1.2, v1.4 etc. It will also not run using the shareware version.
Build time: 1 week Editor(s) used Doomcad 6.1 and BSP 3.0 Known Bugs None
Editor(s) used: Doomcad 6.1 and BSP 3.0 Known Bugs None
Bugs: None
Rating: (8 votes)

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great mapx
Two levels from June 1999. E1M3 starts off a bit like the real E1M3 but less detailed; it then turns into E1M6, and stays like that for an age until turning back into E1M3 right at the end. There are 160 mostly weak monsters, and overall it's not bad, although the author reuses the same traps several times (I got bored chainsawing demons). The secret level is a small dungeon arena with lots of barons, but you have lots of rockets and health.x
A good rehash to the E1 style, coupled with a silly secret level. His pe1_phob maps are even better IMO, but still a 5.x
I severely disagree with Sargebaldy. Who gives such a nice E1 styly level (not to mention a PC wad) only 3 stars? I think this level should have been made into an episode (although pe1_phob, released in 2004, is a fantastic E1 style episode fron him that does not include this level.)x
Feels as much like E1M6 as E1M3. Takes several things right out of original E1 maps. Uncharacteristically features teleport monster beam-ins. Aesthetics significantly less interesting than the original E1. *** -sargebaldyx

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