Title: Death Tormention II
Filename: levels/doom/p-r/pe4_dt2.zip
Size: 726.84 KB
Date: 11/21/99
Author: Paul Corfiatis, kristian Aro, Chris Harbin
Description: The fantasic sequel to Death Tormention I with 8 supremley evil levels designed from scratch just for The Ultimate Doom. The levels are much harder than Death Tormention I. There are lots of traps throughout, etc. The style is just like id's E4, medieval. There's not much to say, load this up in The Ultimate Doom and take a real blast with 8 all new levels never seen before.

Every secret level in the original 3 DOOM episodes have been replaced with new ones.

To run a wad type

C:>doom -file xxxxxxxx.wad_

xxxxx is the name of the wad file.
Credits: Chris Harbin for allowing me to modify one of his unfinished levels (E4M9) to fit in the Ultimate Doom. Kristian Aro for joining in and making a couple of good levels for this episode.


E1M9: I'm not E2M9: telling you the names E3M9: of these levels

E4M1: Hell gate (new!) E4M2: Return to the abyss (modified level 24 from twzone2.wad) E4M3: Villa of Schotchies (new!) E4M4: Going after Ashley! (new!) E4M5: Pain Temple (ex PE4_SE.WAD) E4M6: Threshold of pain (new!) E4M7: The unholy ages (new!) E4M8: The last hunt (new!) E4M9: Crazy keep (new!)
Base: New episode, E4M2 modified from twzone2.wad Build Time Ages

Editor(s) used I used Doomcad 6.1 for windows (any version), DETH 4.16 for Dos, BSP 3.0 (Dos) and Wintex 4.1 (windows)

Deep97 (win95/98 editor) was used by Kristian Aro. (This episode was made almost entirely with Windows editors)

Chris Harbin told me that he uses Doomcad as well.

Known Bugs None that I know of, E4M7 might have the savegame bug???.
Build time: Ages

Editor(s) used I used Doomcad 6.1 for windows (any version), DETH 4.16 for Dos, BSP 3.0 (Dos) and Wintex 4.1 (windows)

Deep97 (win95/98 editor) was used by Kristian Aro. (This episode was made almost entirely with Windows editors)

Chris Harbin told me that he uses Doomcad as well.

Known Bugs None that I know of, E4M7 might have the savegame bug???.
Editor(s) used: I used Doomcad 6.1 for windows (any version), DETH 4.16 for Dos, BSP 3.0 (Dos) and Wintex 4.1 (windows)

Deep97 (win95/98 editor) was used by Kristian Aro. (This episode was made almost entirely with Windows editors)

Chris Harbin told me that he uses Doomcad as well.

Known Bugs None that I know of, E4M7 might have the savegame bug???.
Bugs: None that I know of, E4M7 might have the savegame bug???.
Rating: (23 votes)

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