Title: |
Filename: |
levels/doom/p-r/peek.zip |
Size: |
64.73 KB |
Date: |
03/22/95 |
Author: |
Me. |
Description: |
It's always been my theory that if you don't have at least
one monster every ten square feet (relatively speaking),
then there's not enough carnage! I stretched the limits of
size (as far as DEU would let me) to come up with this
highly acclaimed (by a couple of my friends) doom level.
No big story behind this one; just find the right
keys, get into the main structure, and kill EVERYTHING!!!!
all weapons available; and YES the cyberdemon is on the
level (would it be worth it if he weren't?) I hope you
like it. |
Credits: |
Base: |
Build time: |
Editor(s) used: |
DEU 5.21, BSP(ver.??) |
Bugs: |
Rating: |
(10 votes)
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| This is a surprisingly good level from February 1995. It's a visually simple sort-of techbase, but it makes up for that with sheer carnage; it has a lot of monsters packed into a mid-sized level that seems to go on and on. You get masses of health and ammo - I'm not complaining - and although the action is unsubtle, it's satisfying. Actually, the layout is quite complex for early 1995. I enjoyed it. | x |
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