Title: POST11.WAD
Filename: levels/doom/p-r/post11.zip
Size: 48.49 KB
Date: 05/14/94
Author: Ray Trochim
Description: *to play, just run the .bat file* Your outpost was over-run by monsters! You wait for the shuttle by the landing pad but a garbled messege hints to you that its going to be a no show. You must clear out the post yourself! You know that there are two yellow keys to the armory and the blue key is to get to the exit. The red key is to get into the command center.
Credits: My trusty computer Napoleon
Base: New levels from scratch
Build time: A long time, not sure on the # of hours
Editor(s) used: Doomed ver. 260b2, and DEU51 for debugging
Rating: (2 votes)

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This map has lots of action. There are 2 (pointless, 1 is enough) yellow keys, lots of ammo and of weapons and lots of texture alignment bugs (but who cares?). It's a worth download for nostalgics. 4/5 -Glassymanx

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