Title: SAPIDUSB - Bugfix version
Filename: levels/doom/s-u/sapidusb.zip
Size: 58.91 KB
Date: 06/08/94
Author: Eddie Nguyen
Description: Welcome to SAPIDUS.WAD, the 4th installment in the UCA storyline. This wad runs under e2m4 and supports single, coop, and deathmatch modes. It also supports limited difficulty settings (basically intermediate or ultra-violent). It was created using DEU5.1, BSP1.0, and a new program called REJECT1.0. For the reject, I used a reject value of 512, so if you need to change it, you have a reference value. It shouldn't be necessary, though - SAPIDUS runs quite smoothly on my 486sx-25 at a high detail, normal-sized screen. Kudos to the author of REJECT1.0!

SAPIDUS was designed with the assumption that the player is following the UCA storyline and will consequently play SAPIDUS as the level right after DIOPATRA (UCA and TALPOIDA are the first two installments). While SAPIDUS is playable as a stand-alone, but you might find it to be a major handful that way (after all, this is the main section of the enemy base, so you will encounter a lot of monsters). Anyways, I can complete this wad in about 43 minutes at UV level either as a stand-alone or within the storyline (keep in mind that while ammo is ample, it is probably not enough to kill all the monsters if my wad is played as a stand-alone - you will just have to run from some cacodemons....). Played within the storyline, it is very possible to get 100% across the scoreboard.
Build time:
Editor(s) used: DEU5.1, BSP1.0, and REJECT1.0
Rating: (6 votes)

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Not bad. Enemies suffer from blindness though, but that's to be expected considering the map's age.x
I didn't like this at all. It's larger and has more enemies than most maps from mid 1994, but playing it is a chore, because the design is dull and repetitive. It reminds me of Matt Falk's "Death Star" level, but it's greatly inferior. Corridors, rooms, monster layouts are repeated over and over again. Even the final puzzle repeats itself. The monsters don't react until you shoot them, and there are few things more tedious than gunning down lots of demons with the plain shotgun.x
interesting theme (although not exactly great) but it repeats itself to hell. nonlinear, but that just makes it more confusing since the map looks the same everywhere you go, it honestly looks like it uses 10 sectors or less. i'd say it's pretty good for june '94 though, but there's much better wads that are older than this (see barsella's deadbs10 & mtfire09 for examples). still, it's in the better half of maps its age and worth looking at for nostalgia. *** -sargebaldyx
One of my all-time favourite DooM 1 maps.x

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