Title: Shiprock (deathmatch version)
Filename: levels/doom/s-u/shiprock.zip
Size: 36.38 KB
Date: 08/23/94
Author: Myles Williams
Description: This level is a replica of the Rose Pauson residence (Shiprock) designed by Frank Lloyd Wright. Both floors are accessible, connected by a transport mechanism. I'm still looking for a way to turn off the sound, but for now consider it a feature, not a bug.

This new version DOES allow death- match play. Simply start the game on Ultra-violence or Nightmare level and all the stuff will be there. No monsters are present at any skill level.
Credits: My father for the idea and the floorplan; Frank Lloyd Wright; the authors of all the editors I used; Matt Fell for the Doom Specs; and, of course, id.
Base: Floor plan and photographs of the house
Build time:
Editor(s) used: DEU, BSP, DeHackEd
Bugs: Because the DeHackEd patch lowers the player width, it may be possible for player's graphic to be seen on the other side of a wall. If you have this problem, let me know.

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