Filename: levels/doom/s-u/spunk.zip
Size: 26.43 KB
Date: 05/12/94
Author: Richard Smol
Description: PUNK.ZIP is a zipped PWAD-file, containing an entirely new map for level E1M1, made with DEU 5.0 ... I meant it especially for deathmatch-play; there's no exit, so you have to play till you drop! Especially -respawn is fun! Do you have the SPUNK to play this?
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Rating: (3 votes)

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Why is this better than most of the maps that came out the following year?x
What can I say: it's Spunk. Me and my friends played it so much, I am sure there was a hole in the hard-drives where this file was located. x
This map is actually not pretty at all, with misaligned textures all over the place. The monster placement is horrendeous and it obviously looks like the first effort of a depth-sight impaired moron. Still, this map has some weird irresistible charm. I remember playing it over and over again with friends at college. Running around those crooked corridors actually is *fun*. So, despite all its faults, I can't possible give it a bad rating. x

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