Title: SS27BET2.WAD
Filename: levels/doom/s-u/ss27bet2.zip
Size: 137.34 KB
Date: 05/17/94
Author: Stanley Stasiak
Description: This replaces SS27BETA.WAD which had a few crucial stuffups preventing 100% kills etc. sorry :(

Ok, ok.. this isn't finished coz deu won't handle files of arbitrary size (yet). I thought it would be fun nevertheless so here goes. This s'possed to be a level with 4 arenas in each major direction... Each arena will have a theme when I finish this (Fire/Acid/Earth/Stealth). At the moment the central sections is done and the arenas are sorta stubbed. This level will be part of an eposode later. It is meant to replace e2m7 so its pretty rough in places (even on the easiest level). It's pretty open with only a few doors requiring keycards. So don't be too concerned if a whole heap of voices rises to meet your gunfire . There are peep holes and ambush spots almost everywhere so happy deathmatch! Most heavy firepower is heavily guarded or hidden. The only easy weapon to get is the shotgun. Also no BFG here (yet). ...and contrary to popular belief plasma gun can be reached. Apart from that this level is mostly hack, slash and ambush type. You DO need to find one secret to finish this level (but it has three hints pointing at it. It's dead obvious from the map).

BTW: This *IS* a large file so a grunty machine is recommended. Don't even contemplate a 386. 486DX/33 VLB and > 4Mb recommended. If you don't have VLB it *will* be sluggish. If you don't have > 4Mb it will swap like hell. (pun intended)

There now go kill something... Send me some hate mail.
Credits: R. Cole for beta testing.
Base: New level from scratch (small section (dejavu) borrowed from e1m4)).
Build time: Long long way too long. 1 month+. Stopped many times because of memory restrictions of previous (and current) editors.
Editor(s) used: deu (from 4.31 to 5.1 ... yes 4.31 was useful in debugging node errors of deu 5.0) bsp11x for nodes rebuilding.
Bugs: Where do I start... 1) The rocket launcher room has HOM once the door to the altar has been opened. Hope v1.4 fixes HOM (HOM sux)....and that room is too cool to change too much... anyway you'll be to busy to notice. 2) SKY texture mapping glitch in the west low section in front of the red door. Looks like doom feature... if you know a fix let me know. Also same thing next to ash tower. 3) The crushing floor does not crush you to death sometimes. It stops short and you're trapped with 2% health or so. Not very good in deathmatch situation. Mail me your suggestion.

Tell me if I made any other stuffups apart from texture alignment.
Rating: (2 votes)

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The author later polished this up some more, and re-released it as Castle of Evil (id=1021). This is a large level with almost 350 baddies - in 1994 it would have been stupendously huge. It has lots of secrets and it feels meaty and substantial. The detailing is better than most 1994 stuff although the textures are wonky. It's easier to admire than like, though, because it gets monotonous. For some reason it has part of E1M4 in the south-east section.x
Very good map: large, complex and challenging.x

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