Title: tek.zip
Filename: levels/doom/s-u/tek.zip
Size: 35.49 KB
Date: 05/12/94
Description: This was originally just a setup for a Deathmacth level for myself and my murder-happy friends. I tried to add in some non-deatmatch componenets to make it more playable, however. The basis for this level is that it's a portiuon of my school's campus(Georgia Tech).
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fucking excellant wadx
This is an ugly, shoddy, empty-looking early level that might have been a little bit good in Deathmatch, the more players the merrier. Apart from a nice courtyard it's a mass of clashing textures and misalignments. There are 41 weak monsters. In theory the gameplay involves running from one end of the level to the other and then back again, but you can reach the exit switch in three seconds (literally) and just press it, the end.x

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