Filename: levels/doom/s-u/temple11.zip
Size: 56.09 KB
Date: 05/12/94
Author: Mark Mackey
Description: TEMPLE11.WAD is a new WAD file for (registered) DOOM. It's not a large level, but it's tricky (grin). This WAD is intended for those who like panic situations but dislike (a) Oh! Another 247 cacodemons in this room. Ho hum! (b) Now let me see, if I flip the third, fourteenth and 182nd switches, then shoot these three walls, then the door _might_ open... type situations. I wrote this to see what new traps and ideas I could come up with...
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This is a very cool and adventurous level from 1994. For the time, the texturing is very good (although there are clashing themes - computers in a temple?) and the lighting and traps really give the place atmosphere. Give it a go; it's well thought-out!x
Sui Generis
I'm not sure merely liking doom.wad will make you like this: as well as the early ammo starvation there is little health, a bunch of sergeants and an insta-kill trap. One area with unclear progression requires dropping into 20% dmg lava. If you're low on health and don't know the right way to go, you lose. It's a surprisingly unforgiving level, and it wasn't fun for me. But it’s well made: the marble room, concrete room with lava chasm and end room stand out. I grudgingly respect this as good for the time.x
I don't like the start: desperately looking for shotgun while avoiding enemies (because who the hell uses pistol?). The rest is really good: the author understood how to work with textures very well and was full of new ideas. The white room with weird hanging things and the exit room are particularly cool. It's somewhat challenging too, even today. Definitely worth playing if you like doom.wad.x

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