Title: Tough Guy 2016
Filename: levels/doom/s-u/tguy2016.zip
Size: 18.31 KB
Date: 11/04/16
Author: Bzzrak Ktazzz
Description: Back when Doom was shiny, new and exciting, in June 1994, Rick Farmer released a level which he named TOUGHGUY.WAD. The main gimmick of the level were "silent teleporters". Kinda. The level came with a BAT file to replace the necessary sprites, but as it relied on DOS utilities, playing TOUGHGUY in 2016 is a pain in the neck. So I took the sacrifice, included all the sprites and sounds and released this for j00 to behold its tutti-fruttic 1994 magnificence. Other than the included sounds and sprites, I did NOT change a damn thing about this very tough wad.
Credits: Rick Farmer for creating this 22 years ago. DeimosComaBlack for playing this on his YouTube channel. I hope I got his name right!
Base: TOUGHGUY.WAD, you can find it on /idgames.
Build time: a few minutes, the original took a week to make.
Editor(s) used: SLADE
Bugs: Tutti-fruttis everywhere, because using SKINLOW and SW1EXIT on 128-tall walls was apparently cool back in the day. The author, apparently, didn't care. Bad, really bad 1994 quality, but you can expect that from a level made in... you know... 1994.
Rating: (7 votes)

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can't Disagree with DOOMINER991 on this one that's a Pure Fucking Disgrace to the DOOM 1 Levels. x

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