Title: |
thinkwad.zip |
Filename: |
levels/doom/s-u/thinkwad.zip |
Size: |
17.86 KB |
Date: |
05/12/94 |
Author: |
Denis Auroux |
Description: |
These should be quite easy to complete even with 100 % kills for experienced
Doomers. They should also be accessible to less experienced Doom players...
If you make use of your mind, you can even make them trivial...
They are also intended as doom-tricks 'libraries' for doom level makers,
showing a few tricks that could be integrated to bigger Wads. |
Credits: |
Base: |
Build time: |
Editor(s) used: |
DEU5.0/BSP1.0 |
Bugs: |
Rating: |
(2 votes)
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| Two maps of well below average quality from 1994, the texturing is almost nonexistant and the maps are basic. They use tricks to mess you up when you least expect it like figuring out how to get to the exit without being crushed, and a walkway that sinks when you walk across it. These are great ideas for 1994 but they have been implemented poorly and as such fail to impress. The gameplay on these levels is very thin on the ground and you will probably just quit and choose a better level 1/5. | x |
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