Title: Tree3.WAD
Filename: levels/doom/s-u/tree3.zip
Size: 277.43 KB
Date: 06/13/94
Author: Greg Lewis
Description: Night falls as you prepare to enter another base on Phobos. This base was built right into the hills, and uses a lot of natural caverns in it's design. Three levels of great fun and interesting designs. These levels are best for non-deathmatch play, although deathmatch starts are there. They should also have very little slowdown, since I designed them with a 386/40. Level 1: This level is pretty difficult, with little ammo or health, and monsters from all sorts of triggered doors. Also, heavy on the triggers and switches. (My specialty! :') Cool places include an expansive cavern and a couple "pseudo-mazes". Level 2: This level is an exhibition of really cool designs, including a number of places with manual light-sourcing, and every other neat thing I could think of. Visually entertaining, fun to play. Level 3: Well, this one is just cool. Hard, fun, some caverns, a bunch outdoors. If you can't find all the secrets... have you gone through every teleporter? A nice stressful conclusion to the trilogy.

If you get stuck on a level, or are trying to find some of the secrets, watch the demos. They cover most of the good stuff, and show the way through the level.
Credits: The developers of Doom, DEU, and BSP. Lithium (Chris Hopkins) for the sounds. Andy Chen and Claude Martins, authors of INVADE1.WAD, for permission to use their cool status bar.
Base: on Phobos. This base was built right into the hills, and uses a lot of natural caverns in it's design. Three levels of great fun and interesting designs. These levels are best for non-deathmatch play, although deathmatch starts are there. They should also have very little slowdown, since I designed them with a 386/40. Level 1: This level is pretty difficult, with little ammo or health, and monsters from all sorts of triggered doors. Also, heavy on the triggers and switches. (My specialty! :') Cool places include an expansive cavern and a couple "pseudo-mazes". Level 2: This level is an exhibition of really cool designs, including a number of places with manual light-sourcing, and every other neat thing I could think of. Visually entertaining, fun to play. Level 3: Well, this one is just cool. Hard, fun, some caverns, a bunch outdoors. If you can't find all the secrets... have you gone through every teleporter? A nice stressful conclusion to the trilogy.

If you get stuck on a level, or are trying to find some of the secrets, watch the demos. They cover most of the good stuff, and show the way through the level.
Build time: Probably over 250 hours!!
Editor(s) used: DEU 5.1, DEU 5.21, BSP 1.1x, BSP1.1w
Bugs: A problem with an ornery door in level 1 (won't close right). That icky stand- ing-on-a-linedef effect, seen in level 1 (wait for Doom 1.4!). A place with a teeny bit of HOM, due to 128+ linedefs, in level 3 (I even took some good stuff out, but it's still there!). And things would've been a little bigger, except BSP kept crashing...
Rating: (13 votes)

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