Title: Undeath '94
Filename: levels/doom/s-u/ud94.zip
Size: 756.52 KB
Date: 01/08/17
Author: C30N9, ChaingunnerX, hex11, Jaws in Space, joe-ilya, Memfis/kuchitsu, TheNebulousThinker, walter con
Description: Remake of Doom, based on 1994 deathmatch levels. (see end of this file for story)
Credits: rdwpa (testing & feedback)
Base: Modified 1994 deathmatch levels (see list below)
Build time: about 5 years (started 2011-09-16)
Editor(s) used: various, including Doom Builder and Yadex
Bugs: It's sometimes possible to become a zombie on E1M3
Rating: (8 votes)

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The WAD is... good-ish, I guess. The better side of '94 is strong in this one. E1M3 is best, some others are meh.x
This was pretty fun for a bunch of deathmatch levels. I'd definitely like to see more deathmatch-to-single player conversions like this.x

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