Title: Vampire 5 or Frodo 5
Filename: levels/doom/v-z/vampir51.zip
Size: 67.68 KB
Date: 09/25/94
Author: Darrell Bircsak
Description: I named it VAMPIRE5 because...catchy name! Better than FRODO5, my handle. Anyways. This was made w/ DeathMatch in mind. About half the time making this was spent playing it to make sure everything looked nice. I wanted an artistic PWAD as well as a fun one. Most of the rooms were done on paper first. Much time has been spent thinking about how things will be placed and if they'll "work well" there. Story: trapped in Count Frodo's castle, you must escape the evil vampire's traps and make it out alive. His creatures will try and stop you from escaping. Can you find Count Frodo's secret teleport room? Can you master the Plus Sign?? Can you find the hidden weapon in the Infinity room? Discover all the great snipe spots!
Credits: Blacky, JAFO, Lord Redder, and Eagle
Base: New level from scratch/Modified E1M1/FRODO48.WAD
Build time:
Editor(s) used: DEU and IDBSP
Bugs: Works w/ 1.666 only due to DOOM2 LineDef types.
Rating: (8 votes)

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E1M1 - awesome, reminds me of Fava Beans. Nice design, many (too many) rockets. E1M9 is average.x
Nearly on par with E1 in terms of visuals, and arguable better than E2 and E3. Well designed and challenging with a few satisfying secrets. Well above par for 1994 and a treat in any era.x
This is the same exact wad as id=891, but with a different name and a detailed .txt file. E1M1 is an excellent map for 1994; almost ID quality, really. E1M9 is a small, simple map that's not so good.x
A very good E1 Styled map. It's got all the E1 monsters, and none of the E2 or E3 monsters. Good amount of Ammo, just like E1 does, It's good fun and the map would have fit cleanly into Knee Deep In the Dead. I'm surprised John Romero didn't make this map.x

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