Title: Timber Wolf
Filename: levels/doom/v-z/wolfb.zip
Size: 6.74 KB
Date: 06/19/97
Author: Warren
Description: This is a beta version of the level. I still have to finish the level, if you have any ideas for how to finish the level, please e-mail me!!
Credits: ID, and Matt Ayres
Base: New level from scratch
Build time:
Editor(s) used: WADED 1.83B
Rating: (1 vote)

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This is dated June 1997. It's an unfinished level; in fact it has barely even been started, with 27 mostly weak monsters spread across four bare rooms. There are at least traps and ideas, and a semblance of layout, and perhaps with a tonne of work it might have been good, but based on the author's handful of other entries in the database - none of them actually levels - it is perhaps best that it was snuffed out at birth.x

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