Filename: levels/doom/v-z/x_ings.zip
Size: 49.26 KB
Date: 05/03/05
Author: Stefano Biefeni
Description: If you like this wad file, leave me a note on Software creations BBS, maybe I'll make another. thanks Stefano Biefeni
Base: New from scratch
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Rating: (1 vote)

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A large, bland-looking level. The start made me think that this was one of those '94 WADs with nothing but a room after bare room full of zombies or imps. But it gets better as it goes, though not much. The name must be based on the two crossings over lava/nukage. The first one is the only feature that distinguishes this level from hundreds of other such WADs, with a clever deployment of a Cyber and teleporters. That, and the BFG-fueled slaughter at the end are the only things to keep you awake. - N_Ax

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