Title: Sacrifice
Filename: levels/doom2/0-9/2fiffy6.zip
Size: 244.06 KB
Date: 11/11/97
Author: George Fiffy
Description: It's the Devil's Night, October 30'th, of 1995, and you were working very hard today. You blew away so many of your fellow Space Marines away, you were awarded immortality, among other prizes in the biggest slaughterhouse of all, DEATHMATCH 95 in Seatle! After all, you are B.J. Blazkowicz, so you know how to deal out death!

After being awarded an advanced copy of Quake, along with $500,000 in other prizes, some short gray-haired person in Confederate clothes rushes in your direction. You say to yourself: "No. No. No way! How did Colonel Sanders find me here? Doesn't he have some chickens to fry at one of his restraunt chains or something, instead of bothering me?" Romero looks at you: "You ARE the only one who saved the world many times from total disaster. This must mean we're in for another attack from Hell." John Romero, Jay Wilbur, and Trent Reznor all point in the direction of the Colonel, then shoved you towards him.

After hesitation, you ask the colonel: "What the @@@@ now?!" The Colonel tells you: "In the hills of California, where golddiggers went during the Gold Rush many years ago, those demons from Hell just built yet another base for human mutilation, so they can take over the world! They already took Los Angeles, and are taking more cities. Anyway, this place is built on and within the former Itszall Mine, near LA, using the old crumbling shafts to both use and hide via the rocky caverns. Many marines, and even the Army were sent in, but alas, they all failed. Looking at your outstanding records, it looks like we'll all have to rely on you, the One-Man-Army. Good luck. NOW GET GOING!"

The Colonel gives you a map of LA, with the area in question circled in bright yellow. You flew to LA via USAir, and to your suprise, the plane landed safely. "Who ever thought USAir could land a plane?"

After being mugged by gang members, you stumle onto the partially- hidden base. Some of it was quite visible, and some of it were underground, looking into these flooded shafts through the huge cracks in the ground. "DING!" What happened? You were teleported into the place you were looking for, and you look in awe, as you go end the terror...
Build time:
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Bugs: (1) The type you get in your toes when you walk around in the dark. God gave us RADAR to find furniture in the dark, but too bad it's so painfull when they find anything!

(2) Installing a brand new X-Acto blade into handle. Ouch.
Rating: (2 votes)

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Another groovy Fiffy level. All his trademarks are here -- huge size, lots of monsters, few rockets and zap-juice boxes but many boxes of shells and bullets, obliging the player to take out a lot of big monsters with plain ol' powder and shot. x

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