Title: 300, 600, 900, 1200 seconds
Filename: levels/doom2/0-9/300sec.zip
Size: 79.41 KB
Date: 11/27/21
Description: A wad that takes speedmapping to a whole new level. Each map took the amount of time specified in the name to finish (For example - MAP01 took 300 seconds, MAP02 - 600 etc). Because of that, the maps are very small and have about 10-20 enemies each.

Sorry for the graphics of the first map. With that one, I barely had the time to finish it, let alone make it pretty.

If you want to complain about how small the maps are, then feel free to try out the challenge for yourself and see how it goes. (Don`t forget to record yourself making those, as anyone can claim to have made a huge slaughtermap within 1 minute).

Music Used: MAP01 - Doom E1M6; MAP02 - Default; MAP03 - un18 from unused doom midis; MAP04 - un43 from unused doom midis.
Credits: People who created the editors that I`ve used.
Base: New from scratch
Build time: 3000 seconds across 3 evenings (or, actually, a bit more, since MAP01 had a couple of failed attempts).
Editor(s) used: UDB for creating maps, Slade3 for wad editing, Whacked4 for dehacked, Doom Writer for creating doom-style fonts, Photoshop 2018 for the titlescreen, M_DOOM etc.
Bugs: Texture alignment, etc. Sadly not a lot I can do about those, as I didn`t have enough time to fix them.

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