Title: Dumerica Bowling Arena
Filename: levels/doom2/0-9/7-10splt.zip
Size: 24.69 KB
Date: 08/08/97
Author: Vince Lupo
Description: Really depends on which skill level you choose. Skills 1,2 = a variety of almost all the monsters Skill 3 = features an end boss like level 30 Skill 4,5 = CyberBowling!!!
Credits: Deu2
Base: none
Build time:
Editor(s) used: deu2
Bugs: At two spots the game crashes because of the high # of sectors in one room. Ive played through many times without it crashing. Just dont try to look at everything at once at the "2 corners" of the level. Sorry about this nonsense but it was either this or three six lane rooms.
Rating: (8 votes)

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You can use the crushers, but I find it fun to turn on sv_infiniteammo and sv_fastweapons and go crazy. Worth the download. -Canofbaconx
This is dated February 1995. It's a pair of bowling alleys with some cyberdemons, on UV at least. You can either shoot them, or do something tricky with switches and crush them. It's actually more fun on the lower skill levels, because there are more monsters. Overall it's very briefly entertaining and hard to hate, although it doesn't amount to much (you can just dash to the blue key and escape).x
eh it was kinda fun but its not a very good map to be honist 2/5 x
Not a bad novelty map.x
it smells of cabbage... and is about as entertaining as one, too.x

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