Title: 15 Minutes of Madness
Filename: levels/doom2/Ports/0-9/15mom.zip
Size: 1.71 MB
Date: 10/29/22
Author: Axuris
Description: A mapset built around each map being made in 15 minutes.
Credits: id Software, Doomworld for testing and feedback ======================================== Resource credits: Textures: Alien Vendetta

Music: Title: "Into Sandy's City" by Bobby Prince MAP01: "Dark" by Kevin Schilder MAP02: "Kitchen Ace (and Taking Names)" by Bobby Prince MAP03: "Ded" by Kevin Schilder MAP04: "Between Levels" by Bobby Prince MAP05: "Dark Halls" by Bobby Prince MAP06 + Intermission: "Atcoty" by Kevin Schilder
Base: New from scratch
Build time: 3 hours
Editor(s) used: Ultimate Doom Builder
Bugs: Most likely none

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