Title: Four Perfectly Fine Lemons
Filename: levels/doom2/Ports/0-9/4pfl.zip
Size: 6.82 MB
Date: 08/27/22
Author: Ravendesk
Description: Four Perfectly Fine Lemons is an MBF21 mini-episode for Doom 2, that consists of 4 puzzle/platforming maps inspired by PS1 Crash Bandicoot games and other platformers of that era. Map 05 is a credits map, Map 06 is a secret credits map that you can access if you manage to exit Map 05 :)

4pfl has several dehacked enemies, including:

Green Cyberdemon. Your regular cyber, but with 1000 hp. Note that green and red cybers can infight, use that to your advantage! Both green and red cybers do not count towards the kill count.

Red Evil Eye. Evil Eye from Jumpwad that zaps you like an archvile. Cannot be killed, does not count towards the kill count. Sometimes he is your friend, sometimes he is your enemy.

Green Evil Eye. Just like Blue Evil Eyes from Magnolia, they shoot you with arachnotron projectiles. However, their fire rate is much slower than the fire rate of their Magnolia brothers. Cannot be killed, do not count towards the kill count.

Weakened imp (wimp for short). Same as imp, but has 30 hp. Poor thing. All imps in the wad are weakened. Kill all imps in maps 01-03 to get the secret at the end!

Red cybers also have changes to them, but I'll leave that for the players to discover themselves.

About "NoMo" runs:

Each map also has NoMo support, meaning they are all beatable with "-nomonsters" flag. On NoMo all the platforming is the same as on UV. Big fights in Map 02 and Map 03 can be skipped on NoMo. Turret monsters are closed in Map 01 and Map 04 on NoMo. Secrets in Map 02 and Map 03 can be obtained on NoMo by blowing up all barrels instead of killing all imps. Secret in Map 01 is always accessible on NoMo.

Map list:

Map 01 - "No Swimming" Opening map, that introduces you to some of the wad enemies and mechanics. Be sure not to fall into the water, as the swimming is forbidden.

Map 02 - "Runners High" Map with primary focus on rocketjumping and archvilejumping. Make your way through the city roofs!

Map 03 - "Baron Munchausen" Discover the strange things that are going on in this factory and what lies beneath it. Will anyone believe the stories you will tell afterwards?

Map 04 - "Hot Air Skyway" Can you survive this deadly track? Maybe you can, but will you be fast enough?

Map 05 - "My Orchid Garden" Credits map. It has a tiny bit of gameplay though, how many kills will you be able to get?

Map 06 - "The End" Secret credits map. Find a way to exit Map 05 to get there.

Midi list:

Map 01 - River by stewboy Map 02 - Cold Wires by stewboy Map 03 - Torque by Jimmy Map 04 - Ocean from the game Vectorman. Midi is taken from Stardate 20x7 Map 31. Map 05 - Mad World by Gary Jules Map 06 - Sonata in B minor (K 27) by Domenico Scarlatti Title screen - Nocturne in F minor Op.55 No.1 by Frederic Chopin Intermission screen - For the Damaged Coda (shortened version) by Blonde Redhead

Resources used:

Textures - OTEX by ukiro, with a few modified by me for signs and texts. Tree sprites are taken from Supercharge mod (v2.9). Colormap for invulnerability sphere is taken from Thelokk's "The Box of a Thousand Demons". Interpic is a painting "Yellow-Red-Blue" by Wassily Kandinsky. Titlepic is a painting "Several Circles" by Wassily Kandinsky.
Credits: . It has a tiny bit of gameplay though, how many kills will you be able to get?

Map 06 - "The End" Secret credits map. Find a way to exit Map 05 to get there.

Midi list:

Map 01 - River by stewboy Map 02 - Cold Wires by stewboy Map 03 - Torque by Jimmy Map 04 - Ocean from the game Vectorman. Midi is taken from Stardate 20x7 Map 31. Map 05 - Mad World by Gary Jules Map 06 - Sonata in B minor (K 27) by Domenico Scarlatti Title screen - Nocturne in F minor Op.55 No.1 by Frederic Chopin Intermission screen - For the Damaged Coda (shortened version) by Blonde Redhead

Resources used:

Textures - OTEX by ukiro, with a few modified by me for signs and texts. Tree sprites are taken from Supercharge mod (v2.9). Colormap for invulnerability sphere is taken from Thelokk's "The Box of a Thousand Demons". Interpic is a painting "Yellow-Red-Blue" by Wassily Kandinsky. Titlepic is a painting "Several Circles" by Wassily Kandinsky.
Base: New from scratch
Build time: Around a month
Editor(s) used: UDB, SLADE, paint.net

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