Title: Aberration Caves.
Filename: levels/doom2/Ports/a-c/aberratn.zip
Size: 328.08 KB
Date: 05/20/08
Author: Kenny "KennyJC" Coughlan.
Description: Set in underground caves - this map uses Quake1 textures with a tech base theme with some temple thrown in. There is only one skill level as per usual with all my levels, but it should be do-able in the first attempt.

Remember this is set in a cave... so don't whine about falling in to pits and not having a teleporter there. You deserve to die you clumbsy git!

I would say this is my best level to date. Even more so than "Dark Apparition", if I may be so bold. I have two more Quake1 themed in the pipeline...
Credits: All those from Doomworld forums who tested it and gave tips when I was stuck at something. It's great to have a place like that which keeps the DoomBug going strong!
Base: New level from scratch
Build time: Build finished in August 07.. gameplay finished May 08.
Editor(s) used: Doombuilder, XWE
Bugs: I had lots of bugs with the new textures, but they no longer show up... at least on my client anyway.
Rating: (13 votes)

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