Title: Abyssal Speedmapping Session 26
Filename: levels/doom2/Ports/a-c/abyspe26.zip
Size: 1.03 MB
Date: 02/19/16
Author: TheMionicDonut, Jimmy - Project Lead 4shockblast AD_79 alterworldruler an_mutt Astral-Doomer Breezee
Description: 21 maps made during the twenty-sixth Abyssal Speedmapping Session in the space of 2 hours (lol), with 15 minutes for music and texture selection and 15 minutes after for bugfixing.

This session was held in two "rounds" for the convenience of folks who couldn't turn up to one or the other.

Each mapper had 3 themes to choose from, this time the themes were based on Romero's maps (as he has just recently released a new one): - E1 theme. - Higher tier monsters and weapons! - All vertices on the 32 grid.

Plus a bonus theme for those who showed up to round 2: - Horseshoe layout à la E1M1 (Hangar), or backtrack layout (E3M9, for example).
Credits: id Software for Doom II CodeImp for Doom Builder 2 SirJuddington for SLADE 3 exl for WhackEd4
Base: New from scratch
Build time: 2-4 hours per map
Editor(s) used: Doom Builder 2, GZDoom Builder, SLADE3, WhackEd4
Bugs: MAP03 has some HOMs, and there may be general bugs due to Surreily being megacrap at compiling WADs.
Rating: (9 votes)

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I liked this, also yey I made a mapx
Getsu Fune
this was okayx
Excellent map set. This time there aren't any weak maps and some look very impressive for the 2 hour speed mapping limit. Well done, everyone.x

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