Title: Abyssal Speedmapping Sessions: Session 38
Filename: levels/doom2/Ports/a-c/abyspe38.zip
Size: 1.84 MB
Date: 09/02/18
Author: Obsidian - Project Lead Pinchy Jimmy Riderr3 Dragonfly Sparks Phobus NoisyVelvet FloatRand Worm318 T
Description: Twenty-one maps made during the thirty-eighth Abyssal Speedmapping Session in the space of 2 hours, with 15 minutes for music and texture selection and 15 minutes for bugfixing. Held in two sessions twelve hours apart, each mapper had the one mandatory theme of building their map around a particular powerup (not counting the Soulsphere and Megasphere), chosen at random from a list of ten. The second session had also had the limitation of using only Doom II monsters as a second theme, also taken at random from the list.
Credits: Id Software for Doom II CodeImp of Doom Builder 2 SirJuddington for SLADE3
Base: New from scratch
Build time: 2 hours per map (with the exception of a few)
Editor(s) used: Doom Builder X, GZDoom Builder, SLADE3, WhackEd4
Bugs: -MAP06 has an unidentified bug in GZDoom -Monsters will spawn stuck in non-ZDoom ports on MAP19 and MAP20

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