Title: Urban Brawl: Action DooM 2 Bonus Content
Filename: levels/doom2/Ports/a-c/ad2bonus.zip
Size: 12.4 MB
Date: 01/05/14
Author: "Scuba" Stephen Browning
Description: Urban Brawl was originally released as a free, standalone project but people could purchase an optional physcal DVD package which contained an added bonus wad with a half dozen fun or challenge maps.
Base: From Scratch, using several modified resources from the original Action Doom 2.
Build time: A couple weeks
Editor(s) used: Slade, Doom Builder, Paint Shop Pro 6, Photoshop, WadAuthor, XWE, Wintex... and lots of Pencils/Ink/Paper
Bugs: None
Rating: (7 votes)

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5 Stars for tities map :) .x
Good content. Although I wouldn't see it valueable at a price. Just saying. I really loved the Zombie one. I also liked the extra games in the Casino you could mess with.x
5 stars just for tits.x

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