Title: Alcazar
Filename: levels/doom2/Ports/a-c/alcazar.zip
Size: 8.36 MB
Date: 12/27/23
Author: General Roasterock, Ravendesk, Jizzwardo
Description: Alcázar is a collection of six Halloween-themed, Boom-compatible maps by Ravendesk, Jizzwardo, and myself, inspired by the Wormwood series. The maps range in style from tight combat challenges to medium-sized slaughter, intended as a love letter to a delightfully eccentric series of WADs.
Credits: Textures from:
otex m
akkon texture pack
And also:
ad mortem
wormwood eu
wormwood 3

Sprites from:
Supercharge - decorations
dbp54 - decorations
ad mortem - Pumpkin and other decorations
wormwood eu - ammo numbers in HUD, decorations
wormwood 3 - decorations
jumpwad - large gems and jumporbs
Goodwad - fist, shotgun, SSG, Plasmagun glove sprites A
nd also:
Dark PE sprites by DustedPandemonic

01: It Bites - Ravendesk
02: Socracht - Jizzwardo
03: Maybe They're Asteroids - Roasterock
04: Scimitar, Stricken - Roasterock
05: Thief - Ravendesk
06: Wish Granted - Ravendesk | Roasterock

Title Screen: "Pendulum" by Psyrus
Intermission: "Terra" from Final Fantasy 9

MAP01: "Upcoming" from Old School Runescape
MAP02: "Temple of the Eye" from Old School Runescape
MAP03: "Crossing The Desert" by Ceekayed
MAP04: "Amethyst Princess" by rd
MAP05: "Your Sorrow" by Ceekayed
MAP06: "Lament for the Hallowed" from Old School Runescape
Map07: "Save Room Theme" from Resident Evil
Base: New from scratch
Build time: 1 month
Editor(s) used: UDB (6d5098a), Slade 3.1.1
Bugs: None

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