Title: Arceon
Filename: levels/doom2/Ports/a-c/arceon.zip
Size: 6.89 MB
Date: 10/24/21
Author: DMPhobos
Description: ***********************Story*********************** For a few decades, the Arceon asteroid, that orbits near a giant star has been home to a mining and more importantly a secret research station. While the exact nature of the experiments done in the station remains a secret, one of the recent findings not only resulted in a catastrophic invasion that has overrun most of the facilities, but also has changed the course of the asteroid which is now speeding towards the giant star where it will crash disintegrating Arceon and all of it's facilities As one of the few survivors of the invasion, you must find your way thru Arceon and escape the asteroid into the escape ships that managed to escape the station.

Arceon is a boom compatible mapset consisting of 6 medium length maps plus an epilogue map, mainly consisting of techbase themed maps, with different themes based on the light color of each map

Each of the maps was built with an emphasis on having layouts that encourage incidental combat from monsters and are easy to navigate, filled along with several combat setpieces.

Map list and music Map01 - Radioactive fuel (Fuel - AD_79) Map02 - Nameless section (Phalanx - Jimmy) Map03 - Danger Lights (Illusion - Tristan Clark) Map04 - Bullets are wearing your name (Uranium - AD_79) Map05 - The Systems have gone berserk (Escaping the mechanism - Jimmy *bespoken for this project*) Map06 - The Gateway is a wreck (A Presence from Ages Past - Jimmy *bespoken for this project*) Epilogue - And beyond... (Wandering Souls - AD_79)

Title Music: Get Ready from Alien 3 (NES) - Original track by Jeroen Tel Intermission Music: Lost in the Ether - Jimmy (*bespoken for this project*) Text Music: Broken Mirror - Tristan Clark

******************Aditional notes****************** All maps were balanced for pistol start, but continuous play is allowed, and there are death exits placed for continuous play in mind.

Bear in mind that some fights run on strict timers so doing no monster runs will involve a lot of waiting.

Map04 is broken with no monsters
Credits: Jimmy for the original midi tracks Ad_79 and Eris for the additional midis Ukiro for the OTEX textures Fuzzball for the OTEX status bar Mechadon for the epilogue map sky Misty for the EMAPINFO lump

All the people who tested the maps and gave feedback at different stages of development: Aquila Crysaetos, Misty, Liberation, Moustachio (Aka The Mysterious Moustachio), HAK3180, Bridgeburner, Ukiro, Dragonfly and Jimmy

All the people who reported some bugs after the DW RC release: GarrettChan, ReaperAA, nb18767, Major Arlene, Silent Wolf and Soulless
Base: New from scratch
Build time: Built on and off between late 2018 and 2021
Editor(s) used: GZDoom Builder bugfix, Ultimate Doom Builder, Slade
Bugs: Most maps have weird angled lines, and because of this, elastic collisions and wallrunning are a bit common. Using freelook might reveal some weird tricks meant to hide some stuff in software mode.

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