Title: Ashen Garden
Filename: levels/doom2/Ports/a-c/asgarden.zip
Size: 474.56 KB
Date: 09/17/11
Author: Monakhov Vladimir
Description: My first map, which was intended to be included in the Scorching Heat II project, but since it was abandoned, was left unused. It's a linear slaughterfest in a gothic & rock environment.
Credits: Phml, gggmork, Memfis & Derrida (for playtesting), Archi (for technical support).
Base: New from scratch
Build time: do not remember, that's an old map
Editor(s) used: Doom Builder II
Bugs: None
Rating: (8 votes)

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Very cool, but very hard for me. Awesome design and gameplay.x
Agreed ZZ, even I got my ass kicked with those damned Revenants! Fun but confusing beginning & annoying monsters placement which ruined it... 3.5/5 -playerlinx
Sweet - well-designed and good-looking. It's a bit unclear where you should go initially, but it becomes obvious soon enough. Exit could be marked more clearly. 4/5 - ZZx
Quite enjoyable. Thumbs up! - Kirbyx
Fucking Legendary! 5/5 - TheBragglex

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