Title: Shades of Azure
Filename: levels/doom2/Ports/a-c/azureshades.zip
Size: 18.09 MB
Date: 02/24/22
Author: Keagan Dunn ("Dunn & Dunn")
Description: --- This is a mapset with the following traits/gimmicks/whatever: - All map titles are one word and end on the letter T, except for MAP32. Don't ask why. - The maps are primarily coated in blue, using textures from 32in24-15tex & OTEX. - Some maps might have a semi-speedmap feel to them, with sparse detailing. That was initally the plan. - Some maps are easy, some are hard; but all except two of them can be knocked out in less than 15-20 minutes. - My standalone release Heavenly Rock is included here, in the MAP32 slot. - Rivi the Warlock made a guest map for the MAP07 slot. Everything else is made by me.] - Soundtrack consists of original MIDIs from talented musicians (Jimmy, Dragonfly, Velvetic, AD_79, etc)

About .txt file and word document are included for any further information.
Base: New from scratch
Build time: Six months on and off before initial DW release
Editor(s) used: Ultimate Doom Builder, SLADE, Doom Writer, Photoshop
Bugs: Typical misalignments, don't mind me

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