Title: Bad Dream
Filename: levels/doom2/Ports/a-c/bad_dream.zip
Size: 1.85 MB
Date: 05/29/23
Author: wxndxx
Description: This is a boom-compatible map about 10-20 minutes long with a wide variety of combat situations. The difficulty levels are implemented, and I recommend sticking to the following table:

I'm a regular player - HNTR I can UV-max Sunlust maps - HMP I hate myself - UV

The number of demons on the map is always the same, the difficulty level affects the amount of health, ammo and platforms to move. 

Jumping and crouching are not allowed. Freelook is ok.
Credits: Testing and polishing took an obscenely long time, but it was really worth it. Many thanks to the testers: ryiron, Bofu, Maribo, SeeJay, Melanchol, OldManHan, Obake-the-New, SHIFTEE_JESUS You're the best!
Base: New from scratch
Build time: 4 months
Editor(s) used: UDB, Slade
Bugs: Older versions of Woof do not switch midi inside the map

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