Title: Based Refueling
Filename: levels/doom2/Ports/a-c/basedref.zip
Size: 2.37 MB
Date: 03/18/23
Author: StarTanned
Description: Oh boy, it's another Refueling Base remake! An aggressive, limit-removing, single player take on the original with similarly open-ended and challenging gameplay in more modern terms.

Difficulty levels are implemented and encouraged. Tons of optional content to explore; expect at least 40 minutes of gameplay.

Designed for complevel 2, but Freelook and other advanced features should not break anything.

Doomworld thread: https://www.doomworld.com/forum/topic/134211-based-refueling-yet-another-first-map/
Credits: Midi is "Plummeting" by Bucket (Plutonia MIDI pack)

Super huge thanks to Sesamia, Ravendesk, reaction, sandwedge, BerserkerNoir, Maribo, and the other Doom World forum members who playtested!
Base: Doom II Map 10 (Refueling Base)
Build time: way too long (my first map)
Editor(s) used: Slade 3.1.6

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