Title: The Beesong
Filename: levels/doom2/Ports/a-c/beesong.zip
Size: 480.2 KB
Date: 04/15/22
Author: Death-Destiny
Description: This is an extremely difficult map for Zdoom using DECORATE to add a Bee enemy and a hive to spawn them.
Credits: -HeroOfTime1000 for letting me use his Bee. Thanks Hero! -Jimmy91 for making cool MIDIs free for everyone to use. This map uses his ambience simulation. Visit Jimmy's website for more cool MIDIs: http://www.freewebs.com/j91doom/music.htm
Base: None
Build time: 4 days, including testing as well as spriting and coding the hive, but not counting the bees development time, as I didn't make those
Editor(s) used: Various
Bugs: If I could make a map this huge and complicated and make it glitch-free, I'd be genuinely impressed, but it appears as though any glitches present are not major and likely only cosmetic in nature.

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