Title: Bloody Rust 3
Filename: levels/doom2/Ports/a-c/bludrus3.zip
Size: 3.09 MB
Date: 04/06/20
Author: Ahmed, dt_, nxGangrel, Jaws In Space, Joe-Ilya, Melon, NoReason
Description: A small community project where the maps are reminiscent of a rusting, aging, tech environment.
Credits: Eradrop for the sky texture. Jaws In Space for the Status Bar Jaws In Space for the TITLEPIC. Custom Monsters from Realm667. Custom Graphics from the following texture packs: 5th Episode, Anachronox, Darkening E2, Duke Nukem, Monster Hunter LTD, Mutiny, & Too Much Brown. DeHackEd by Doomkid & Jaws In Space
Base: New from scratch
Build time: 2 years 3 Months
Editor(s) used: Various
Bugs: If I'd know about them I'd have fixed them :P

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