Title: Base of Tribute v1.1.9
Filename: levels/doom2/Ports/a-c/bsetbte.zip
Size: 4.91 MB
Date: 07/13/15
Author: Cory Scott (NiTROACTiVE)
Description: This is a WAD I made for my friends and everyone that inspired me to make Doom WAD playthrough videos on YouTube, and this goes for people like Darsycho and Omegalore. It is a 1 map WAD that contains a credits as well, and it has new monsters from Realm667. I hope you enjoy the map as it is for all my subscribers and viewers on YouTube.

This is a newer version of the WAD. Read changelog.txt for what's new in this version.
Credits: Realm667 for the monsters, the weapons and the powerups.
Base: Modified (bsetbte.wad)
Build time: A few days (started in 2014 and abandoned, but finished in 2015)
Editor(s) used: Doom Builder 2, Slade3
Rating: (19 votes)

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