Title: Corridor 7 TC Resource Files
Filename: levels/doom2/Ports/a-c/c7rc.zip
Size: 2.19 MB
Date: 02/22/01
Author: Cacodemon Leader (Gauthier.home@sympatico.ca)
Description: What was going to be Corridor 7: Alien Invasion Converted to DOOM Using ZDOOM, but scripting is too hard and powerless, I dropped the TC. I wanted to make it be like in Corridor 7. I am releasing this to everyone so that they may use them in their own WADs.
Credits: The Makers of the Utilities I used, Capstone Software for Corridor 7 and Operation: Body Count, 3D Realms for Duke Nukem 3D, and ID Software for DOOM.
Base: Graphics and Sounds from Corridor 7, Operation: Body Count, Strife, and Ken's Labyrinth.
Build time: Several Months
Editor(s) used: NWT, WINTEX, WinDAT, Sndrec32.
Bugs: It ain't complete yet, so anyone who wants to finish it may do so.
Rating: (7 votes)

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For anyone who's thinking of using these files for their own Corridor 7 project, don't. The sprites are choppy, blurry, and pockmarked with magenta pixels typical of a poorly-done rip. There are all kinds of badly drawn custom made sprites mixed in with everything, including a cartoon-looking hammer. There are tons of resources that have absolutely nothing to do with Corridor 7, including (bizarrely) Garfield comics, stills from Popeye, and other indescribable things. Please avoid this.x
This file is misplaced.x
You have no idea how much you just helped me! Im making a corridor 7 TC, except its not the original levels, more like a sequel. Im making it more scary, so whats scarier than dark under ground tunnels, then hearing that probes shreiking noise!x
What is this doing here??? There are no levels?x

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