Title: Colourful Hell Test Map
Filename: levels/doom2/Ports/a-c/ch_test_new.zip
Size: 6.85 MB
Date: 10/25/23
Author: Der_Angelord / OneDoomedAngelo on YT
Description: This is an extension for Hege Cactus' mod called "Colourful Hell". It randomly gives monsters different colors, making them stronger depending on which color they get.

This map is for people who want to take a look at every single variation of each monster, or maybe even fight them. There are 4 seperate areas, the ZOO, the TEST LAB, the ZOO for optional monsters, and the GAUNTLET.

By beating the entire Gauntlet in one go you can also "beat" this map, if you want.

IMPORTANT: To play this, you also need to run it with the Colourful Hell mod itself, or there won't be any monsters in the map. Also, this was made for version 1.00 of the mod. There's a possibility Colourful Hell will get more updates in the future, so this map might be outdated at some point. For now it's fine.
Credits: Hege Cactus, for creating the mod; Pieruskwurje for helping me out a ton with the HP bars
Base: New from scratch
Build time:
Editor(s) used: Ultimate Doombuilder
Bugs: -some monsters like to go out of bounds -some text messages might look messed up if the window resolution is too small

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