Title: Happy Time Circus ][
Filename: levels/doom2/Ports/a-c/circus2.zip
Size: 24.35 MB
Date: 09/12/09
Author: Shitbag, aka Ray
Credits: Daniel "Tormentor667" Gimmer: for the blood texture pack (and a constant interest in this project).

Crista "CD Warrior" Forest: For the cfmansion texture pack.

Christopher "shaithis" Buecheler: I modified one of his mud flats from cwbdoom1.wad.

The monster resource guys: I copied the 'Hellfire' decorate code because I was too lazy to write it myself.

ZDoom/ZDoom.org: Cool port, wiki, and forums full of useful information

The movies Evil Dead, IT, and Killer Clowns from Outer Space.

Cutmanmike: initial inspiration for circus666 which led to this.

findsounds.com: various raw samples

Acid Pro: sound recording, effects, ect

CodeImp: Doombuilder, Doombuilder2

Author of SLumpEd

Csabo: XWE

That Wintex guy: for Wintex
Build time:
Editor(s) used: Doombuilder, Wintex, XWE, SLumpEd, Paintshop Pro Acid Pro 4, Cakewalk, Reason 3
Bugs: 1. May run slow due to size of level and effects. 2. Some slime trails here and there. 3. If using the all weapons cheat, you may switch to a weapon thats not supposed to be used like the rocket launcher or plasma gun. I couldn't figure out how to remove them.
Rating: (78 votes)

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