Title: Curse of Blood
Filename: levels/doom2/Ports/a-c/cob_ep1.zip
Size: 9.43 MB
Date: 09/30/15
Author: Mattias Johansson
Description: Here's a 6/11/20 or 32-level Megawad for Doom2, I'm aiming for 32-maps though. These maps, ranging from small to large, hopefully combines good detail and atmosphere with at times, strong difficulty. The hardest maps will be like Hell Revealed or slightly harder than that.

All maps are pistol-start-friendly and intended for. :)
Credits: id software, TeamTNT, Paul Fleschute, Erik Alm, plums, Mechadon Andrey Budko, dew, esselfortium, hawkwind, iori, PRIMEVAL, the CC4 team and more. See Cobinfo.txt for a full list of credits.
Base: New levels from scratch
Build time: Not sure
Editor(s) used: Doom Builder 2, WhackED 4, Slade 3, Boom Animation Manager, Paint and GIMP.
Bugs: Texture misalignment bugs here and there. Possibly other bugs as well.
Rating: (10 votes)

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