Consider this a tribute to the original Doom's E2M2. I always liked that level for some unexplainable reason, and thus felt it neccessary to emulate the style in this map. Even if you disliked that map I trust you'll have different feelings about this one!
All six keys are present in this map, so remember that red card and red skull AREN'T the same. :)
Resources from the Doom betas, Doom64 and Quake2 have been used in this map, as well as some original sounds/graphics by me.
A UAC facility on Phobos. Oh, I mean, all new level from scratch!
Build time:
Somewhere in the area of three months.
Editor(s) used:
DETH v4.42 BSP 3.0 NWT v1.3 Wintex 4.3 RMB v2.1
You will get some error messages regarding invalid things and sector types if you don't use ZDoom; another reason to use it instead.