Title: Can't Run Frm Evil (Part I)
Filename: levels/doom2/Ports/a-c/crfe_p1.zip
Size: 4.29 MB
Date: 06/05/12
Author: NokturnuS
Description: Looking at my huge Doom folder i found lots of incomplete maps which never see the light of day, so i decide to keep up some of them and rearrange with a more "modern doom" look. These levels are the first four of them, and they are the bigger too. All maps can be finished starting with pistol only. Maps are hard, but difficult levels are implemented. Also, there are no continuity between maps, maybe except map 01 and map 02. First two maps are techbases, map 3 is city-based and map 4 is marble-metal based. Also i include a alternate PLAYPAL lump, the cool palette you sure already see on maps like simplicity and lots of Zdoom wads. Sorry i don't know the name of the creator to credit him...
Credits: Id of course for Doom Authors of DETH, XWE Adobe Photoshop Zennode Doomworld Creators of GOTHICTX graphic resource (disclaimer at the end of this file) Nick Baker. I use some of his textures found in the Caverns Of Darkness wad Guys at Doomworld Wads and mods forums who test my maps and come with nice speedruns. You rock. Mark Klem for great music. Tean TNT for great music too.
Base: New from scratch
Build time: Ages
Editor(s) used: Deth, XWE, zennode
Bugs: Few misalignmentes i think.
Rating: (18 votes)

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