Title: Crossfired
Filename: levels/doom2/Ports/a-c/crossfir.zip
Size: 49.07 KB
Date: 06/27/15
Author: Bartekmil
Description: My first map, it has like two secrets, some encounters when you need to act fast, some switches, and absolutely no keycards. Difficulty matters, it changes some monster placement and gives you more stuff at one point. Have fun
Credits: Whoever made those cool images: Romero mona lisa painting and frazetta styled doom title screen painting and to world of game MID's
Base: from scratch
Build time: dunno, like few days or something(2 hours a day of building)
Editor(s) used: doom builder
Bugs: tested but found none
Rating: (3 votes)

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It's author's "first map" and it shows, but it's also not that horrible for a "first map". Some technical errors, and improvement in terms of visuals is needed, although the author seems to show some promise. Nevertheless, this isn't anything worth playing.x
A small, simple but fun level, although the item placement could use more work (blue armor right after green armor, six boxes of shells next to each other). Thankfully nothing like most other levels with SS soldiers in them and "my first map" in the text file.x

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