Title: Czequisite Corpse
Filename: levels/doom2/Ports/a-c/czcorpse.zip
Size: 813.17 KB
Date: 08/04/21
Author: Damned, Enkeli33, Jaeden, jariditumim, Kloki38 Rifleman, Romsu89
Description: The plan was to build the map with usage of Exquisite corpse method. Each person will be responsible for his area of the map, with only limited knowledge of the surrounding sections. Only belts 64 mappixels wide have been shared with others. Since 7 mappers joined the event, we decided to make the sections hexagonal. Before the start, we randomly assigned the person to each section and also randomly assigned keys, exit, start and heavy guns plasma and rocket launcher. We decided to put the BFG away since it is too powerful and heavily impacts the gameplay.

Inspired by: https://www.doomworld.com/idgames/levels/doom2/d-f/excorpse
Credits: Cyberreality for keeping the liquiddoom.net alive. ROTT for music
Base: New from scratch
Build time: The map was built in 5 steps, each taken 1 week to finish + time for testing and debugging.
Editor(s) used: DBX, UDB, Slade

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